NanoWired is 2019 Winner Hermes Award
NanoWired GmbH, Gernsheim (Germany): Nanowired has been nominated for its "KlettWelding Tape" solution – a world-first process in which specially treated electronic components can be connected together at room temperature. The connection process is fast, accurate and eco-friendly. KlettWelding is based on nanowires, which can be deposited onto any kind of substrate to form a Velcro-like layer of metal wires. Two components treated in this way can then be connected simply by pressing them together, causing the nanowires to interlock and form a connection that is stable and electrically and thermally conductive.

KlettWelding is more cost-effective than conventional processes like soldering, gluing and bonding, and can be used in a range of applications, including sensors, semiconductors, automotive systems and consumer goods. By changing production processes over from soldering to KlettWelding, it is possible to eliminate certain items of plant and reduce production costs.